Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Waitng for Spring......still

We are still patiently waiting for the nice weather. We had about 12 inches of snow last Thursday. This week hasn't been much better. It is a good thing we get to have fun with G. She cheers us up everyday. She is really getting big and becoming very active. She loves to bounce in her "bouncy" and really likes to stand up aganst things. In front of our house during the snow storm.

Smilin' G

Greta sporting the new duds Kristi bought at the Lilly Lu's party (this is one of the businesses which was destroyed in the downtown Bozeman explosion in March. The owner had a gathering at a private home.

Kristi and Greta showing off their cool shades. G is hilarious how she loves to look cool like Mom in her new sunglasses. I am sure she will be wearing them all summer.
Me and G
Kristi with Greta while I walked the dogs on the golf course.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hoping for Spring.....

Still holding out for some spring weather. Today and tomorrow are supposed to get a bit nicer which eqauls......flood. Yikes, hopefully we are prepared this year, but who knows. The creek looks to be rising but not at a fast pace. I think mid 70 degree weather should give us a scare. After the flood last year, we had a pump installed in the crawl space along with a water alarm. At least we will be able to watch the damage rather than being surprised by it. We also purchased that funny little thing called flood insurance. Sure wish we would have had that last year!

Mom and Rog came to Bozeman for Easter and to watch the G on Friday. We had a nice visit and took a couple of photos with Grandma and Grandpa. It is always fun to see them with her and have them see all the changes. We wish our parents were closer.

after Easter Brunch at Riverside

Kiyomi and Boston Bramlette at Riverside. Boston is 12 weeks
younger than G and good friends of the family

G had a little shot of Grandpa Rog. Easter brunch hit her hard.
Greta with her Carhardts from the Grovers. Cute Cute Cute.
She is ready to visit the ranch and help with chores.Greta with her sporty sweatsuit she wore to school.
Check out the fast sneakers!

G snuggling her new blanket made by Barb Pezel. Many thanks Barb, it is beautiful!