We had a great dinner Friday night at the Swan Bar. It is a great little place with fish night on Friday nights.

G and her Mom having fun in the back of the bar. There is a little creek that runs through with horse shoes.

We went on a boat ride on Saturday afternoon. It was during Greta's nap time and needless to say, she didn't see much. I held this little umbrella to keep the sun out of her eyes. Nice look huh?

G with icing from Grandma's Birthday Cake (cupcakes).

G and Grandpa Roger.

Family photo.

I couldn't believe how mature Greta looks in this picture. There are those times that she just takes my breathe away. This would be one.

Of course it wouldn't be right if Aunt Candy (my Mom's twin sister) didn't spoil Greta even though she had no idea we were going to be there either.

Greta sitting with my Mom as she reads her card from G. I love these little moments. And to make it even more special, it is at a place that is near and dear to my family as we all spent time here growing up.