Monday, September 29, 2008 Greta!!!!!
It is my great pleasure to introduce you all to Greta Emmaline Berkram. Born September 29, 2008 at 4:43p.m. at the Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Greta weighs 6 lbs. 11 oz. and is 20.5 inches long. She and her mama are doing incredibly well and are currently sitting beside me at the hospital hanging out. We came to the hospital this morning at about 7:45 a.m. for a somewhat scheduled induction. Yesterday, Kristi had some activity and we were all hoping for a natural beginning. When we arrived and met with Dr. Wheeler, we decided that the inducement was the way to go.....and then away we went. By noon, things were moving fairly quickly. Due to the pain factor, Kristi received an epidural. Once the epidural took effect, Dr. Wheeler broke Kristi's water. Kristi progressed EXTREMELY quickly surprising pretty much everyone, including me. When she bagan pushing, little Greta arrived after about 1/2 hour. Mom was on picture taking detail and Angie was on the support crew. I was manning one of the legs with a view I cannot begin to explain. Kristi is AMAZING! I mean Kristi is EXTREMELY AMAZING. She brought our little miracle in with style and grace which I have never seen. Once Greta made her appearance, Mom screamed "It's a Boy!!" and then realized what she thought was a penis was in fact the ambilicle chord. Anyway, as usual, we all had an incredible delivery with lots of laughs, tears, joy and just extreme excitement.
Once G Girl arrived, I had the pleasure of giving her her first bath. She really loved the warm water and the attention. I think I am still in a little bit of shock of becoming a Dad for the first time.
Kristi and I have a room with a double bed and get to spend our first night as a family. I was trying to figure out how to sneak the boys (Bentley and Wrigley) in to the hospital and figured they may frown on that. We will get to be together either tomorrow or Wednesday night.
I went home to pick up some things to stay over night. When I walked through the door, The Huschka's, Mom and Pam were partying and celebrating. They all cheered and hugged and certainly warmed my heart. I thank them all for the love and support today and helping me get through the difficult parts as well as celebrating the good stuff. The nurses commented that they had never seen so many pictures being taken in a deliver room. Greta handled it with class and style and instantly became the life of the party.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Bobcats Win....and still no labor
Saturday afternoon, and we just returned from the game and the Cats are victorious! We had a great time and enjoyed some of Angie and Kristi's chili while Kristi watched as the group had several cocktails. The trooper she is, she did find a way to enjoy herself as well. As you can see, Mom is having some good hearted fun with her after the game. The Bobcat faithful are all very excited to get to meet the little one. The realization that the next Cat game will be my child's first is surreal.
Hopefully, the next post will be an introduction to the babe.
Sorry to Central Washington University (Kristi's college) as they fell victim to the luck of the ladies in pink today.
Go Cats
Friday, September 26, 2008
Golf anyone?........2 days after the due date!
Friday, September 26, 2008, the families have arrived. Fred and Angie rolled in yesterday afternoon and Mom arrived around 4:30 this afternoon. Mom made great time traveling 290 miles in about 8 hours....... It is great to FINALLY have her here. She drove the motorhome and enjoyed the "comforts of home" on her trip down.
Kristi, Fred and Angie golfed 9 holes this morning at Riverside. Kristi shot fairly well and seems to not be affected by the "condition".
Tomorrow is Bobcat game day and we will have a full house at the Stadium. It has been a month since we saw our team at home and we can hardly wait.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Due date, September 24, 2008
We had our appointment with the Doc this morning (Dr. Mitchell) and found that there is nothing new as far as movement. We are getting much advice as to the things that will "shake things lose", some of which, are not appropriate for discussion. We have tried "the walking of the dogs", "the eating of spicy foods", and I am trying to convince Kristi to "the scrubbing of the shower".....kidding everyone, geez. The little one seems to be enjoying the environment in the belly. Lots of food, warmth and some separation from those darn barking dogs!!
Here is how the week is playing out....
Mom will be arriving on Friday afternoon, Fred and Angie will be arriving sometime tomorrow (we think), Jody will be postponing her visit till she can get some real face time with the nugget. Pam is planning on coming over on Friday or Saturday and I will be here all week. Hee Hee. For those of you that don't know, Kristi, I , and FOB (Ferdinand Otilia Berkram, a name given to the little one since we don't know the sex) will be buying my Grandmother's motorhome and probably selling the pop-up to my cousin Brian. Mom will be travelling in it for her visit and then I will put her on the bus back home. (kidding) I think big Roger will be coming down later next week to pick up his bride and haul her home. I am hoping for the crew to attend the much anticipated return of our beloved Bobcats to their home field against the University of South Dakota on Saturday. What a great place to get excited and go into labor, huh? If a Bobcat touchdown can't get it done, then nothing will.
Well, that is all I know for now. We are very excited for the next step and am praying for a safe and fulfilling delivery. Thanks for all your support and sorry for the scare everytime the phone rings. I think Mom has grabbed her bag 15 times the last 3 days. We look forward to seeing all of you at one time or another and will be very pleased to introduce you to your new member of the family, future friend or whatever the case may be.
Here is how the week is playing out....
Mom will be arriving on Friday afternoon, Fred and Angie will be arriving sometime tomorrow (we think), Jody will be postponing her visit till she can get some real face time with the nugget. Pam is planning on coming over on Friday or Saturday and I will be here all week. Hee Hee. For those of you that don't know, Kristi, I , and FOB (Ferdinand Otilia Berkram, a name given to the little one since we don't know the sex) will be buying my Grandmother's motorhome and probably selling the pop-up to my cousin Brian. Mom will be travelling in it for her visit and then I will put her on the bus back home. (kidding) I think big Roger will be coming down later next week to pick up his bride and haul her home. I am hoping for the crew to attend the much anticipated return of our beloved Bobcats to their home field against the University of South Dakota on Saturday. What a great place to get excited and go into labor, huh? If a Bobcat touchdown can't get it done, then nothing will.
Well, that is all I know for now. We are very excited for the next step and am praying for a safe and fulfilling delivery. Thanks for all your support and sorry for the scare everytime the phone rings. I think Mom has grabbed her bag 15 times the last 3 days. We look forward to seeing all of you at one time or another and will be very pleased to introduce you to your new member of the family, future friend or whatever the case may be.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
patiently waiting for the arrival
The experience has been fast, slow, exciting, scary, stressful, fun, difficult, fulfilling and just all around amazing. The process of watching the changes in Kristi and the thought of this young innocent life within her is hard to imagine. Always hoping for health and well being and truly not caring about the rest of things that in the end make no difference at all. The perspective of having a child and a growing family has given me cause for pause and understanding in the things that truly due matter on a daily basis.
Kristi has been walking a lot lately at the new dog park by our house. What a wonderful place, to allow those two renegades freedom that they so desperately need and deserve to run and sniff and mark whereever they please. Each time she goes I expect the call that says "ready or not, here we go!!". I think the boys (Bentley and Wrigley) are a bit wise to something going on, but I am fairly certain all of us have NO IDEA how life will change!
The due date has been moved back a couple of days to September 24, 2008. That is one week from tomorrow. It is like Christmas but never seems to get here! At our last appointment, one of Kristi's doctors commented to Kristi when she was looking a bit uncomfortable, "It is about time. You walk around the office looking fabulous in your high heels and dressed to the nines, it is nice to see you miserable like the rest of us Mothers to be." She is also expecting her 3rd child and has some "experience" with this thing.
On a Dad note, I finally got the nursery painted and the closet cleaned out (sort of). The rocking chair has arrived and I hung the valence above the windows. It was an amazing feeling to sit there the other night and know that my son/daughter will be sleeping in this room. An incredible feeling of thanks came over me as I realized this gift that we have hoped and prayed for was truly coming into our lives.
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