Saturday, December 6, 2008

Greta Berkram, growing, growing, growing...

It has been awhile since our last post. Thanksgiving was alot of fun for the whole family. Many thanks to the Grovers for hosting all of us for a few days. And, thanks to Gary, Theresa and Seth for spending time here in Bozeman. As a Dad, each day brings new fun and exciting changes. The connection I have with Greta is more evident each time we together. She is a great cuddler and smiles a lot. She is very entertained as she gets her diaper changed on the changing table. I never thought I would say I look forward to changing diapers!

Grandma and Grandpa and Seth taking some Christmas Photos

Theresa and Gary giving Greta a little cuddle.

Pam and Jim Grover at the Grovers for Thanksgiving.

Greta on the weighing and measuring table (10 lbs. 4 oz. and 22.25 inches long). G is an overachiever being in the 50th percentile on everything. Thanks to all of you for the warning on the shots....NOT! I am not looking forward to the next set of those bad boys.

Kristi and G pre-shots. We were all happier then.


Had to put in the butt shot. Cute, Cute, Cute!

1 comment:

Katie said...

cory & krisi -
hope all is well with you guys! how is miss greta? i bet she is growing fast, post new pictures as soon as you can!
much love this holiday season-
katie & fam.