Just a few more pictures from the trip to Cut Bank for Christmas. Monday is Kristi's first day back at work. We are having some anxiety over the deal. For now, she will work all day Monday, take Tuesday off, work Wednesday and Thursday mornings and all day Friday. Hopefully, all will go well with the day care. Luckily, they are just down the street from Kristi's work and easily accessable for her.

Family Photo
Me and Uncle Scott with G

Brennan and Greta
Cousins Ty, Michaela, Brennan, Kade and Madison with G
Cousin Kade with his Griz hat on. We showed him
Greta game day shirt...he got a chuckle out of it!
Michaela with Greta
she is getting so big and changes everytime you post a picture. still an absolute doll of course! look at her parents! happy 2009 and best wishes for this year!
oh we got your announcement today and hannah wont let anyone else see it. she says that she 'lobes baby greta'. i might need another :) take care and thanks!
G, We miss you so much! You are growing up right before our very eyes. Your Blog is awesome and Mommy and Daddy are doing a great job keeping it all updated for everyone to see. We are so sorry we live so far away. Know we love you and your Mom and Dad very much and wish we could be there with you WAY more than we can. Love Love lil G!
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