Saturday we went into Billings to watch the other half of the twins (Madison) play basketball at Senior High. She won all 3 games and played very well. Jason stayed home with Michaela and had to travel to Moore to coach Saturday evening. We did some shopping, bought Greta too much stuff, and went to the Hickey's (my stepsister Brandy and her husband Eric) for the evening.
It was a great to see everyone and show off the G a bit more. We need to make a better effort to get together with them more often.
Thank you to Dan and Sherry for taking care of Bentley and Wrigley for the weekend. It is so nice to know they are well taken care of when we aren't with them.
Greta trying on some cool Valentine shades at Gymboree. G...they look good on ya!

Greta with Kade and Ty. They are so great with her and she loves hanging out with them. Ty "removed" one of his loose teeth. Kristi and I will have to draw straws when that time comes.

Greta, photo op. Nice bow G!

Little Miss Giggles.

Greta dressed in "Build a Bear" biker gear. She totally played the part. Tough, tough, tough. Jim Gardner would have been proud.

She is SOO cute!! Love love love the biker outfit. I can't believe how big she is getting. I hope to see her again soon!
Ditto on the Johnson's comment...LOVE the biker gear! A girl after my own heart!
she gets cuter with every post!
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