Miss Greta is 6 months old today. We are expecting 6 to 11 inches of snow today and tonight. Currently, we are least 6 inches and snowing hard. Ah, Springtime in Bozeman. We haven't had a really snowy spring for a few years so I suppose we are due. Our beloved Bobcat Football team had to cancel another scrimmage due to the crazy weather.
We are all feeling much better. Finally, our family is healthy and happy. Unfortunately, Greta forgot about how great a sleeper she was. We are moving her to bedroom soon as she is outgrowing her basinett. Another big milestone that her parents are not quite ready for. But, as with most things, we will all be fine.
We are all feeling much better. Finally, our family is healthy and happy. Unfortunately, Greta forgot about how great a sleeper she was. We are moving her to bedroom soon as she is outgrowing her basinett. Another big milestone that her parents are not quite ready for. But, as with most things, we will all be fine.
G is growing and maturing quickly. All of her friends, who are months younger are leaving her behind in weight. She is lean and tall and obviously takes after her Mom. Kristi weighed Greta yesterday and she came in at a whopping 14 1/2 pounds! We have her 6 month appointment on Thursday and we will get the official numbers. 

Aunt Jodi and G hanging out in Bozeman

G and cousin Shelby Greta and Wrigley

You want me to eat WHAT?

Shot of the snow outside on G's 6 month B-Day. Yuck! There is a time
and place for snow.....and this is neither!
Thanks to Jodi and Shelby for making the trip out East to see G. They surprised us all last Sunday at the Grovers and then they came to Bozo on Monday. Shelby was looking for some new wheels and I think Jody found some for herself. Better luck next time Shelbs.