Mike, Kristi, me and Sandi at Thanksgiving. Lots of cooking, eating and wine consumption. Thanks to all of you who were able to make it out to cold Montana.

Kristi set up a beautiful table for Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks to the Zantos for letting us borrow some chairs.

Uncle Mike and Greta enjoying each others company. I sure wish all you guys lived closer and so does G.

Greta with her oldest cousin Kelsey from Olympia, Washington.

These 2 again.....

Grandpa Fred and Grandma Angie with G at Thanksgiving.

No love here...

the girls. Angie, Sandi, Greta, Kelsey and Kristi

Food...mmmm good.

Drinks and family. We had a lot of each...

Me trying to get a picture for the Christmas card. Looks like it is going to be a New Years card.

G and her cousins on my side. Greta, Brenan, Madison, Michaela, Kade and Ty.

Just the girls...

My brother Scott with Wrigley in Cut Bank.

G in her Christmas dress.

Cousins again.

family photo

G and her Mom.

G and her Dad.

Cousins again.

Greta at her Christmas party at school. Echo is holding her and is one of two gals who adore Greta in the toddler room. It is so nice to know she is loved at school.

More photo ops for the card.


Greta wanted us to wear her hair thing (I am a guy, I have no idea what this thing is and for what purpose) and Kristi in the reindeer antlers.

Cute G.

Greta and her friend Madeline eating popcorn and watching a movie. We sometimes get the girls together for fun and mahem. They are 3 weeks apart and live 2 blocks from one another.

The girls in the tub. Nice horns ladies!

Christmas decorations. We don't have the heart to take it down yet. Thank goodness for a fake tree!

Kristi and Kris Harriman squaring off at my Christmas party. Kristi went 0-2 and got slammed several times. We had a ball and laughed harder than I have in a while.

close up, before getting her butt handed to her...

before my party.