Sunday, June 28, 2009

Busy week, now on to 4th of July, 2009!

Greta is getting more sturdy on her feet and getting into things. She is quite sneaky considering her lack of experience. The weather has been pretty good all week and this weekend it was gorgeous.

Kristi's college buddy, Katie DiOrio and Katie's friend Tracy flew in to Billings and drove over on Friday to check out Greta and to poison my wife.....seriously. The ladies went on a bit of a runner downtown Bozeman. I received a thank you card from several of the drinking establishments on Saturday. Apparently, she ate something that didn't agree with her....and then washed it down with 14 martinis. So, needless to say, Saturday was uneventful.

We went swimming at Riverside today with the Shumacher's. Greta loved being in the pools and, as always, loves the interaction with other kids. We are off to Red Lodge next weekend for the 4th and to meet up with Katina from Wisconsin.
Greta getting busted between the chair and the end table. This is a NO GRETA zone. Her hair gave her away...

Does this look like the face of an inexperienced sneaker? I think NOT.
G and me.

Greta with Tracy's bracelet. The only evidence they were here.
Jim Schumacher, Ash Lee Schumacher, me, G, Max Schumacher at the pool.

Kristi and G. Greta in the kiddy pool.
Ash Lee and Max about to hit the slide.
Max in mid cannonball. Nice form Max!! You need a few more cheeseburgers to get some splash though.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wednesday, Greta got mobile!!

What a crazy week of changes for little miss Greta. I was in Big Sky for a client function for most of the day on Wednesday. Kristi was babysitting Sadi and Brady Aschim (my cousin Brian and his wife Annie's kids). They were having a ball and Greta started crawling and walking behind her push toy. It is amazing how the changes come and we have absolutely NO control over them. I see some of Greta's new pictures and see a little girl which blows me away.
I am the luckiest Dad in the world to have Greta. She was absolutely worth the wait.
Greta, Sadi and Brady on Wednesday night, celebrating the G crawl and walk!
Greta is standing up to every door, wall, chair or leg in sight.
We moved the Crib down a couple of notches to keep the "monkey" from escaping!
Greta with a sweet do from having pig tails put in. Thanks for the suggestion Aunt Jodi.
Standing up.....
This picture makes her look like a little girl....yikes.
Standing up, some more.....
G on the move. I had to take the picture in fast motion to capture the speed!

Interesting new face....had to show it.

Standing some more.....

Kristi played dress up and put Greta in a dress she wore as a baby.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Super G wanting to move...a lot!

Watch out! Greta is very close to crawling/walking. We are taking bets on whether she crawls first or walks first. She is becoming our little girl and not our baby any more. In a way it is sad, but I am truly looking forward to her being a kid as well. She is a wonderful little person and loves to interact with people and especially with kids. We are so lucky to know her and to have been given the chance to raise her. In a lot of ways, she is making me a very different person.

Pam and Jim Grover came to Bozeman on Saturday morning and stayed the night. It was great to see them and of course Greta loves her Aunts and Uncles. Many thanks to Fred and Angie for spending the better part of the week helping out with G. Also, Freddie spent 2 afternoons helping with the new Dinasour park on the West end of town. We are very proud of Grandpa Fred and his red nametag (this means he actually had some idea of what he was doing). Before long, G will be digging and playing in the Park her Grandpa helped build!
Greta showing off her BLUE eyes...she must have REALLY attractive parents! Hee Hee
Greta having a drink with her Uncle Jim.
Check out the wave/salute. She is too much! Nice nap hair Greta!
Our neighbor and friend Jimmy Gardner bought a sweet new truck for work. Vacation is over Jim!Pam and Greta went for a ride in the new Peterbilt. Probably should have put G in some clothes other than her PJ's. Oh well. Nothing wrong with the monkey pj's!
Greta and Jimmy Gardner.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009...

Greta giving a waive. New week, new trick!

Last weekend we went to Katie Keehr's 30th Birthday party at Santa Fe Red's restaurant and bar. Katie's husband Josh plays in The Clinton's Band and played for his bride. Greta loved the music and was a bit of a groupy. She couldn't get enough dancing and flirting with the boys in the band. I don't approve.

Greta and Grandma Angie. Fred and Angie traveled out to help out with G Thursday and Friday while Kristi works. They also went to ND for the Big 40th Anniversary for Willie and Alice last weekend. They are here through the week.

Super G trying on Kristi's hat. It almost fits....not really.

Closeup showing off the new chompers. She loves eating cereal and everything else she can get her mits on.

Giggling G......I love that kid!

G giving her Mom some love. Good kiss G, little wet though!