Sunday, June 28, 2009

Busy week, now on to 4th of July, 2009!

Greta is getting more sturdy on her feet and getting into things. She is quite sneaky considering her lack of experience. The weather has been pretty good all week and this weekend it was gorgeous.

Kristi's college buddy, Katie DiOrio and Katie's friend Tracy flew in to Billings and drove over on Friday to check out Greta and to poison my wife.....seriously. The ladies went on a bit of a runner downtown Bozeman. I received a thank you card from several of the drinking establishments on Saturday. Apparently, she ate something that didn't agree with her....and then washed it down with 14 martinis. So, needless to say, Saturday was uneventful.

We went swimming at Riverside today with the Shumacher's. Greta loved being in the pools and, as always, loves the interaction with other kids. We are off to Red Lodge next weekend for the 4th and to meet up with Katina from Wisconsin.
Greta getting busted between the chair and the end table. This is a NO GRETA zone. Her hair gave her away...

Does this look like the face of an inexperienced sneaker? I think NOT.
G and me.

Greta with Tracy's bracelet. The only evidence they were here.
Jim Schumacher, Ash Lee Schumacher, me, G, Max Schumacher at the pool.

Kristi and G. Greta in the kiddy pool.
Ash Lee and Max about to hit the slide.
Max in mid cannonball. Nice form Max!! You need a few more cheeseburgers to get some splash though.

1 comment:

The Johnsons said...

Love the swim suit. I can't wait to see Super G in a few weeks!!