Little Miss G has been getting very talkative lately. She is now saying Mommy, balloon, bubbles, please, doggy, moooo, more, all done, no, hi and her all time favorite...."Up", "Up", "Up", etc. She REALLY likes the movie "Up" and we have watched it about 100 times. It is a good thing her Mom and Dad like it too. It is quite amazing watching this little angel grow up in front of our eyes.

Little G having some fun tonight.

and some more....

Benny thought he would get in on the action.

Greta went to her first birthday party at The Ridge. She had a great time in the tunnels. Kristi climbed around with her.

The Super G

G and her Mom in the bubble.

Greta's friend Tyler. Tyler was in the baby room at daycare with G. He just moved into the next room with the bigger kids. Everyday, when I drop Greta off, he is sitting at the table giving me the "Hey" sign.

The birthday girl Morgan. She is 2 and is also in G's daycare.

Greta played on ALL the toys and had a blast.

We went for a walk in the snow.

Getting ready to walk the dogs.

G and me.

She was running around in just her diaper. She wanted to pull it off but couldn't quite get it done.
I laughed out loud when I read that Greta likes the movie "Up". . . .it is Maddy's favorite too. We have to watch it every single day!! Glad there are other people out there who have seen it 100 times :-)
These pictures are so cute!! I can't believe how quickly she is growing up! ali
so darling - love the updates and i almost like to see the pics of kirsti just as much. you got some good girls there :)
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