We went to Pam and Jim Grover's place for Easter this year. We went over on Saturday morning and returned late yesterday. We hadn't been over there since July when Wrigley was kicked by a horse and spent the weekend at the vet. We hope he learned his lesson, but for anyone who knows Wrigley, the chances are slim. So, the dogs played very hard. Greta played in the creek and went on an Easter egg hunt and we all had a nice time.

G looking cute in her "ranch" wear. She had her PJ's on, her tutu, snow boots, her coat and of course a flower in her hair. She is too funny.

G posing with her Mom. Kristi just tried to keep her from falling in.

Goof Ball.

Pam and Jim got Greta a chicken. Of course, she LOVED it.

G playing with Tucker. Nice look Tucker.

G with Tucker and Bailey.


Grandma Angie, Jim Gardner, Kristi and Pam

Super G.
I love all of G's smiles. She is too cute!! Hope to see you guys soon. It's been way too long.
Great pics--love the ones of Greta & the dogs...so darn cute!
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