Hello everyone. It has been a month since my last post. We had some very busy weeks followed by a computer virus which have caused the blog to take a back seat. I am putting in many pictures from Halloween to last night here at Jim and Pam Grover's in Garrison. I will upload some more pictures from this weekend in the next few days. I hope you enjoy watching G grow up. She is certainly a joy to spend time with and changes each and every day.

My halloween costume dressed like the Grizzly coach......

Aunt Sandi with G last night. We all arrived at the Grover's home with big surprise from Aunt Jodi and cousin Shelby. Greta loves spending time with family and seems to recognize everyone immediately. She is quite the social bug.

Aunt Pam dancing with Greta. She loves the movement and starts kicking her legs for more when you stop dancing.

Greta giving or trying to give Elvis some "love". He wanted no part of her.

Uncle Mike and G. She was getting passed around like a hot potato.

Sandi, G and Kristi

Greta lounging in the Grover's "new" cabin. They fixed up an old cabin on their place and it turned out very nice. I will get some pictures for the blog.

Greta riding her Giraffe.

Grandpa Fred showing Greta how to play "hand and foot". She has big shoes to fill as her cousin Seth starting playing when he was around 9.

Grandma Angie and G

My lovely Mom at the Cat-Griz game. Sadly, we were unable to get a win which ended a very exciting and emotional season. We had a bit too much fun at the game and then of course the big let down with the loss.

The Bobcat family before the game.

Mom, Greta and Mom's twin sister Candy. Thanks for coming to check out Greta Candy and for all the great gifts. Candy is famous for gifts that make a lot of noise.

Greta wearing her "Cat" sticker. She was not very happy about getting it put on.

G and Grandma Carol

Greta being a Bobcat......Grrrrrr!

Giggling G...

Greta at the Sacramento State game. She was with the babysitter for the Cat Griz game.

I love this picture. What a kid. You can see one of Candy's gifts to the left. An elf which giggles and kids its legs. G thought that was pretty cool. After the 100th time, we are thinking it is not.

Kristi at the ball game.

Ash Lee Schumacher...what a cutie.

K and me.

Ryan and Janya Ballenger rooting on our Cats.

We had a huge snow storm a couple of weeks ago. It snowed 24 inches at our house.

G sipping on a little wine in her bath.....no, not really. It was her Mom's. Call off child protective services.

Super G, need I say more.

Greta at her "movement class". For the month of November, Kristi took G to a movement class at Lone Mountain Gymnastics followed by a swimming class at the same place. Needless to say, she was exhausted after the 2 hours of activity.

Hmmm. G having a glass of wine in the cabin last night..... Are you starting to see a pattern?

G dancing last night. She was really going to town. Watch out boys!
oh i needed that greta update ! thanks cory !
What a cutie!! Love all the pictures.
Thanks also for the onsies! Maddy wears hers all the time.
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